Our new website!
Dear Members and Friends,
As I hope you are aware, we have a new website for the IFPO. Colin Walker our newly appointed EC member and IT expert has been working his magic and the results can be seen on the web!
I’m sure you will agree that this is a great start and the whole feel of the site is new and fresh. Now I’m no expert in IT but I do know that Colin has had to start right from square one to get this working properly. Not only a brand new website but he has also delivered a completely new email system for us which allows far simpler communications between EC members and should allow us more flexibility in the future. Well done Colin, great work!
As members, it is up to us now to make use of the potential that this allows us, so let us hear your news and views. There is so much going on in the fire industry and where better to share it than on our site.
On the subject of news…
You may not be aware that the printing company that was producing our FSP magazine went under very suddenly which has left us with no way of producing a publication. However, I am very pleased to announce that Martin Dunne our editor of the FSP magazine has managed to secure a new publisher for our spring addition. It would be great if you could pass on interesting and perhaps some unusual material that might spark a different light on the fire safety world. Be it technical, topical or amusing I am sure he would be grateful to hear from you. It’s our magazine so please support it.
With spring on the horizon let us hope that IFPO will blossom as a result of the new communications and news facilities.
Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the next event in March.
Best regards
Roger Gentle, MIFPO MIFireE
Chairman IFPO Executive Committee