We are proud to be linked with the following organisations

The British Fire Services Association (BFSA)
The BFSA was formed in 1949 by the amalgamation of the National Fire Brigade’s Association and the Professional Fire Brigade’s Association.
The BFSA is a company incorporated by charter. It is not a trade union and does not attempt to function as such, although like many organisations having concern for its members it has done much to advance their status over the years.
The BFSA is a strictly non-political and as a democratic institution, its members are drawn from all ranks and disciplines. The Governing Council of the Association is freely elected by the Districts, with representatives from the public fire service and occupational and private fire brigades.

The Fire Protection Association (FPA)
The Fire Protection Association (FPA) is a UK national fire safety organisation which works to identify and draw attention to the dangers of fire and the means by which their potential for loss is kept to a minimum.
Since its formation in 1946 it has attained an unrivalled reputation for quality of work and expertise in all aspects of fire including research, consultancy, training, membership, publications, risk surveying and auditing. Their products and services are designed to assist fire, security and safety professionals achieve and maintain the very highest standards of fire safety management.

The Fire Sector Federation (FSF)
The Fire Sector Federation is a forum of debate and discussion. It is where representatives of organisations who work with or within the built, natural, fire and rescue and national resilience environments in the UK can expertly consider issues of common interest.
The Federation seeks to give voice to and exert influence in shaping future policy and strategy related to the UK Fire Sector. It aims to develop an informed fire sector, through original research and objective analysis; coordinating academic research and fire and rescue service evaluation and reviews; and disseminate knowledge and best practice through the production of advice and guidance.

The Institute of Fire Safety Managers (IFSM)
The Institute of Fire Safety Managers is a professional body of highly respected individuals and companies who all share the same objective.
“To raise the awareness of fire safety at a local, national and international level, promoting fire prevention, fire protection and reducing the risk from fire as far as reasonable practicable” Members benefit through technical conferences, training events and communication with 100’s of other like minded fire professionals.

National Association of Healthcare Fire Officers
NAHFO is an organisation that acts as a national voice for all those associated with healthcare fire safety. Working closely with other organisations to promote the highest standards of fire safety within healthcare environments.
NAHFO has been established for over 30 years and in this time its members helped to shape the guidance and legislation used in healthcare today.

National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH)
The NEBOSH ‘National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management’ and the ‘International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management’ are qualifications for those with fire safety responsibilities in the workplace. These are already established as popular qualifications with around 110 providers offering courses in the UK and abroad, and over 7,500 candidates having already achieved the qualification.
Successful completion of either of these qualifications will meet the underpinning knowledge requirement for membership of the Institute of Fire Prevention Officers at ‘Technician’ Grade and use of the designatory letters ‘TIFPO’ or a higher grade with additional experience and/or management responsibilities.

The Worshipful Company of Firefighters
The prime objective and intention of The Worshipful Company of Firefighters is to promote the development and advancement of the science, art and the practice of firefighting, fire prevention and life safety. It also encourages good professional behaviour and an exchange of information between Members of the Company and others who work in allied fields.
The Company has undertaken to maintain the traditions and customs of the City of London and to pledge support to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen in all matters relevant to the life and dignity of the City.