A Message from Roger Gentle, Chairman

The Institute of Fire Prevention Officers

A Message from Roger Gentle, Chairman

Dame Judith Hacket Interim Feedback Report

Dear Members/Affiliates

As you are all aware the interim report from Dame Judith Hackett has been out for some time now and will be discussed further on the 22nd January in London.
As a member of the Fire Sector Federation, we have the ability to make comment to this enquiry so that we may in some way influence the way in which fire safety might be managed in particular types of buildings in the future.
To that end, I would ask those who have read the report and have comments that they would like to make to do so to me in the following way.
The report is divided into clear sections, so your comments need to be headed under those titles. This will make it much easier to manage both for me and the FSF.
You should make your comments as brief as possible and the main points of your arguments or comments should be bulleted so that they are clearly identifiable.
I will try to collate your comments as far as possible so that we are able to give an overall view from the IFPO as a collective.
You must understand therefore that it may not be possible for IFPO to make every one of your points individually to the FSF but more to give them a steer as to how our membership feel we should progress.
I hope that you will agree that with so little time before the meeting the sooner I get your feedback the better.
Even should there not be an actual physical representation from IFPO at this meeting, which I very much hope is not the case I will certainly be sending the collective thoughts of the IFPO to the FSF regardless as I believe that our voice needs to be heard in this forum.
Kind regards.

Roger Gentle FIFPO
Institute of Fire Prevention Officers